南ロンドン日本語キリスト教会牧師 清水勝俊
The Bible says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
God gave us his only Son, Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and indeed the resolution of all that we have in our life. Life with the Lord Jesus Christ is truly
We would like to convey this message to you, especially those who came from Japan for various reasons and who are working hard every day even in the foreign society of the UK. We welcome
everyone. Please come to our church and receive this wonderful gift of God, the saving grace of his Son Jesus Christ.
We look forward to seeing you.
1965年 愛知県岡崎市生まれ
1996年 ガーデナバレーバプティスト教会(ロサンゼルス)にて受洗
1989年 一橋大学卒業、トヨタ自動車入社
1994年 ロサンゼルス駐在
2010年 ロンドン駐在
2015年 トヨタ自動車辞職、(聖書宣教会・聖書神学舎入学)
2016年 フラー神学大学院 (Fuller Theological Seminary) 修士課程修了
2017年 宣教団体Japan Christian Link (JCL) のMission Partnerとなる
2018年 3月聖書宣教会・聖書神学舎を卒業、栄聖書教会より宣教師として派遣
2018年 4月南ロンドン日本語キリスト教会設立、牧師就任
Pastor’s career
1965 Born in Okazaki-city, Aichi, Japan
1996 Baptised at Gardena Valley Baptist Church, Los Angeles
1989 Graduated Hitotsubashi University Started career in Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan.
1994 Transferred to Toyota in Los Angels
2010 Transferred to Toyota in London
2015 Resigned Toyota Motor Corporation Started studying at Japan Bible Seminary
2016 Graduated MA in Fuller Theological Seminary
2017 Became Mission Partner of missionary organisation Japan Christian Link
2018 Graduated Japan Bible Seminary Ordained as missionary at Sakae Bible Church and sent to London in March
2018 Established South London Japanese Church in April
2018 Ordained as pastor of the church
“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.”
In April 2015, at the age of 49, I resigned Toyota Motor Corporation, where I worked for 26 years, and entered a seminary. In 1996, I accepted and believed in Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour,
and was baptized with my wife at a Japanese church in Los Angeles, where my company was stationed.
帰国して、1998年から12年間名古屋にあります栄聖書教会(日本福音キリスト教会連合(Japan Evangelical Church Association (JECA)))に集いました。以来、キリストの教えに従う信仰を心がけ、そのご恩寵のすばらしさから、いつしか牧師になりたいとの思いを持つようになりました。
After returning to Japan, we gathered at Sakae Bible Church (Japan Evangelical Church Association (JECA)) in Nagoya for 12 years from 1998. Since then, I have kept my faith in following the
teachings of Christ, and from the wonderful grace of Christ, I came to think that one day I would like to become a pastor.
Especially from my own experience, I came to want to convey this wonderful salvation of Christ to Japanese people overseas. In 2010, I was transferred to London, England, and came to this place.
I was stationed here for work at a company, but I believe that I was sent by God.
2010年元旦の礼拝で、聖書の創世記12章の「あなたは、あなたの生まれ故郷、あなたの父の家を出て、わたしが示す地に行きなさい」とのメッセージをいただいて、翌日2日渡英しました。これは、神様が人類で最初にアブラハムという人を選んで救い出し、彼と彼に繋がる子孫と民族を豊かに祝福してくださるという神様の約束のことばです。At the service on New Year’s Day
2010, I received a message from Genesis Chapter 12 of the Bible, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you,” and I left for England on the
next day 2nd January. This is the word of God’s promise that God chooses and saves Abraham for the first human on the earth so that he and his descendants will be richly blessed.
その後ロンドンでは、様々な機会に日本人の方々にイエス・キリストの福音(Good News)を伝える働きにたずさわらせていただきました。さまざまな会を通し、多くの方々と楽しく交流を持ち、神様の恵みと祝福を豊かにいただきました。
After that, I had the opportunity to participate in the work of conveying the Good News of Jesus Christ to Japanese people on various occasions in London. Through various meetings, I had a lot of
fun interacting with many people, and I received God’s grace and blessings.
In such circumstances, some people who I had once preached the gospel began to believe in Jesus, have faith, and be baptized. The idea to build a new church was shared with the people who had
once worked with me, and this led to the founding of the church.
Life with the Lord Jesus Christ is truly wonderful. We would like to convey this message to you, especially those who came from Japan for various reasons and who are working hard every day even
in the foreign society of the UK. We welcome everyone. Please come to our church and receive this wonderful gift of God, the saving grace of his Son Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing you.